Importance Of Respect In Marriage

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 Respect in marriage can never be over emphasized. For a smooth and happy marriage, it is essential that you respect your spouse.

  It is important for a wife to show her husband that his opinion in every matter counts. Listen to him, don’t argue with him, especially in public or in the presence of a third party and that includes your children. 
If there is anything you want to do or anywhere you want to go and he says NO, please don’t insist let it be for the moment, then later, you can make him see why you wanted to go or do that.
Most men want to be respected especially by their wives, even if he is not respected outside his home. He will always feel like a king, knowing that his wife respects him and that is the aura he will carry around him.

  Respect they say is reciprocal, husbands respect your wives, don’t  treat her like a piece of furniture or rag. Every woman wants to be loved, noticed, heard and above all respected by her husband. Ignoring your wife or making her feel that her opinion doesn’t count does not make you a man, rather, it diminishes you.
When you want to make certain decisions, please involve your wife. When she sees how much you respect her and that her opinion matters to you, she will definitely love and cherish you more and then you will see the power of the love of a wife.

  Mutual respect, remains one of the most important pillars of any happy marriage. For the simple fact that you respect each other, you will find it very difficult to shout, fight, hold grudges, keep malice or hurt  yourselves  in any way, there will be no room for it. 

  However, If you already practice this in your marriage, I guess you will agree with me that  your home and marriage will radiate with lots of  love, peace and progress but if not, just try it out an you will why respect is important.

You can start first as the husband or the wife, I am sure with time, your partner will see the changes in you and will equally reciprocate. Then you will realise, that a happy marriage is like heaven on earth and that the importance of respect in your marriage cannot be swept under the carpet.

About Juliana Nations


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